Who is the greatest of them all? Lui Linden.
Who can jump things really tall? Lui Linden.
Who could've saved John Connor from the liquid T-1000 Terminator in the mall? Lui Linden. Lui Linden.
He's the greatest of them alllllllllllllll!
Here's some of the pictures that led to Lui Linden's cheesy ms paint portrayal. (He of course is much greater than this humble creation can reveal.) (Bow down before his awesome greatness. Bow DOWN!!)

So from this swirling morass of wondernment comes.....
The logo... and....... The Demi-godlike Lui Linden!!!! Bow down before his awesome greatness. Bow DOWN!!

One day this funny thing happened... Lui Linden and Chuck Norris confused each other for bad guys and got into a fight. Well they were kicking some ass on each other something fierce. Then they realized it was all actually an evil villians plan. So they joined forces and shook the foundations of the Earth. Then they partied like it was 2005. Which it was cause this of which I speak happened last year. Then this space bad ass came and mocked them and flew away in his fast away ship... so as they were wondering what to do Mr.T pulled up in his Van and they joined forces to kick some serious butt. Take that sucka foo! Karate welding, field goal kicking, body checking, community volunteering style yo!